Political Science
Breiseth Hall Breiseth Hall 326
(570) 408-4476
Dr. Andrew P. Miller, Associate Professor of Political Science, teaches courses in Comparative Politics and International Relations and specializes in the politics of Latin America, with a focus on development issues in Central America. He has taught courses on Ecotourism and Sustainable Development, the Political Economy of Coffee and survey courses on economic and political development.
His research focuses on development issues in Central America. His first book, Military Disengagement and Democratic Consolidation in Post-Military Regimes: The Case of El Salvador, was published in 2006 and his current manuscript, Ecotourism and Development in Costa Rica, examines the potential of ecotourism as a non-traditional economic development strategy.
- PS 298 Politics of the Developing World
- PS 398 Ecotourism and Sustainable Development
- PS 298 The Political Economy of Coffee
- PS 298 Latin American Politics.
- PS 298 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- PS 350 Development Theory and Democratization.
- PS 261 Concepts and Methods in Political Science
- PS 396 Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
- PS 260 Introduction to Political Thinking.
- PS 398 International Political Economy.
- PS 251 European Politics.
- PS 198 Politics and Film.
- PS 151 Governments of the World.
- PS 242 International Law and Organization.
- PS 141 Introduction to International Politics.
- PS 298 Theories of War and Peace
- POL 223 Introduction to Environmental Policy.
- Neoliberalism, Globalization and Ecotourism Development: The Transferability of the Costa Rican Model of Development. Lexington Books, forthcoming 2013.
- Ecotourism and Development in Costa Rica: The Search for Oro Verde. Lexington Books, 2012.
- “Latin American Free Trade Association.” Encyclopedia of US-Latin American Relations, edited by Thomas Leonard, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2012.
- “Latin American Integration Association.” Encyclopedia of US-Latin American Relations, edited by Thomas Leonard, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2012.
- “Coffee, As an Export Crop.” Encyclopedia of US-Latin American Relations, edited by Thomas Leonard, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2012.
- “The Soccer War, 1969.” Encyclopedia of US-Latin American Relations, edited by Thomas Leonard, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2012.
- “Roberto D’Aubuisson.” Encyclopedia of US-Latin American Relations, edited by Thomas Leonard, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2012.
- Review of Harry, Tom, and Father Rice: Accusation and Betrayal in America’s Cold War in Commonwealth, March 2007, Vol 13, pp. 144-146.
- Military Disengagement and Democratic Consolidation in Post-Military Regimes: The Case of El Salvador. Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
- US Department of Education Summer Library Research Fellowship in Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2012.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Type 1 grant, $3500 used to gather public opinion data for my research project, “The Effect of Sustainability Certification on Tourist Choices.” Fieldwork conducted in Costa Rica, August, 2012.
- Wilkes University Mentoring Grant. $500 used to attend Pennsylvania Political Science Association Conference with 3 students so each could present their Senior Project to a professional conference, March 30-31, 2012.
- Faculty Mentor, American Political Science Association Mentor Initiative.
- Campaign Staff, Lesa Gelb for Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas Judge.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Research Grant, $1000. Used to attend 2011 Northeastern Political Science Association Conference, November 17-19.
- US Department of Education Summer Library Research Fellowship in Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2011.
- Wilkes University Mentoring Grant. $1200 used to take three students to Nicaragua to work with Orphanage Outreach, May 21-28, 2011
- Wilkes University Mentoring Grant. $1100 used to attend Pennsylvania Political Science Association Conference with 4 students so each could present their Senior Project to a professional conference, April 8-9, 2011
- Invited Lecture, “Ecotourism development and sustainability in Costa Rica.” University of Scranton, November 17, 2010.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Research Grant, $1300. Used to attend 2010 Northeastern Political Science Association Conference, November 11-13.
- Outside reviewer for the International Journal for Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Wilkes University Mentoring Grant. $480 used to attend King’s College Global Landscapes Conference with 8 students and present our two posters entitled, “The Impact of Fair Trade Coffee in Tarrazu Costa Rica.” April 22-23, 2010.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Research Grant, $300. Used to attend 2009 Pennsylvania Political Science Association Conference.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Research Grant, $1000. Used to attend 2009 Northeastern Political Science Association Conference.
- Pi Sigma Alpha Grant. Used to have invited lecture, “President Obama.” Wilkes University, March 19, 2009.
- Longman Publishers, Pre-revision review committee for Kendall Stiles’ Case Histories in International Politics, 6th Edition, Summer 2008.
- US Department of Education Summer Library Research Fellowship in Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2008.
- Wilkes University Faculty Development Committee Research Grant, $1000. Used to attend 2008 Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
- Pi Sigma Alpha Grant. Used to have panel discussion, “Clarifying the Issues in the Immigration Policy Debate.” Wilkes University, April 3, 2008.
- Pi Sigma Alpha Grant. Used to have panel discussion, “What can Political Scientists tell us about Human Rights?” Wilkes University, March 22, 2007.
- Wilkes University Center for Global Education and Diversity, Diversity Leader Faculty Award, 2011-2012.
- Wilkes University, Designated as Outstanding Faculty Member, 2011-2012.
- Wilkes University, Designated as Outstanding Faculty Member, 2010-2011.
- Wilkes University Student Athlete Advisory Committee Faculty Appreciation Luncheon, March 13, 2007.
- Wilkes University Student Athlete Advisory Committee Faculty Appreciation Luncheon, March 28, 2008.
- PhD, Political Science, Purdue University, 2004.
- Primary Field: Comparative Politics.
- Secondary Fields: International Relations, Political Economy, Latin American History
- Dissertation: Military Disengagement and Democratic Consolidation in post-Military Regimes: The case of El Salvador.
- Chair: Judson L. Jeffries.
- Committee: Harry Targ, Ann Marie Clark, Ariel de la Fuente.
- MA, in Political Science, Illinois State University, 1997.
Area of Specialization: Global Studies.- Thesis: Military Disengagement and the Pursuit of Peace: The 1992 Peace Accords in El Salvador.
- Chair: Carlos Parodi.
- BA, in Political Science, Illinois College, 1995.
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wilkes University Fall 2007-Present.
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wilkes University Fall 2005-Spring 2007.
- Adjunct Professor, Butler University Spring 2004-Spring 2005.
- American Political Science Association.
- Midwest Political Science Association.
- Pennsylvania Political Science Association.
- International Studies Association.
- Institute for Environmental Science and Sustainability, Wilkes University.
- Language Skills
- Spanish (reading ability)
- Statistical Skills
- Regression Analysis
- Computer Skills
- Blackboard
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Coordinator, International Studies Program, Wilkes University, Fall 2005-Present.
- Chairperson, Global Education and Diversity Sub-Committee, Fall 2010
- Division Representative. Wilkes University Teacher Education Committee, Fall 2007-Present.
- Wilkes University General Education Committee, Fall 2005-Present.
- Wilkes University Education Department Faculty Search Committee, Summer 2007.
- Invited Lecture, Wilkes University Rwandan Genocide Commemoration, April 24, 2007.
- Faculty Sponsor, Wilkes University Undergraduate Symposium, 2007, 2008.
- Wilkes University Women’s Studies Panel Discussion Moderator, Spring 2007.
- Wilkes University Open House Presentation, Fall 2006-present.
- Wilkes University Convocation Faculty Facilitator, Fall 2006.
- Wilkes University First Year Foundations Faculty, Fall 2005-Present.
- Wilkes University First Year Foundations Assessment Committee, Fall 2007-Present
- Wilkes University First year Orientation leader, Fall 2005-Fall 2009
- Faculty Sponsor, Butler University Undergraduate Research Conference, April 15, 2005.
- Director, Butler University Model United Nations Program, Fall 2004.
- Presentation to Wilkes University Board of Trustees regarding Fall 2011 flood relief effort in the Wilkes Barre area, Dec. 2, 2011.
- Coordinated 2012 Luzerne County Special Olympics bowling tournament, Feb. 18, 2012.
- Invited Lecture. Jewish Community Center “Libya after Gaddafi.” Oct. 25, 2011.
- Invited Lecture. Jewish Community Center “The Impact of Fair Trade Coffee on Costa Rica.” May 11, 2010.
- Election Roundtable and Call in show, 11th Congressional District Debate, Pennsylvania Cable Network, Oct. 28, 2008.
- Invited Lecture. Jewish Community Center “The Impact of Fair Trade Coffee on Costa Rica.” May 11, 2010.
- Election Roundtable and Call in show, 11th Congressional District Debate, Pennsylvania Cable Network, Oct. 28, 2008.
- WYOU-TV Interactive. “9/11, Are we Safer?” September 11, 2007.
- Invited Lecture, King’s College, “Trends in Latin American Politics.” Feb. 20, 2007.
- Invited Lecture, Jewish Community Center, “Should the US engage Iran?” Dec. 19, 2006.
- Invited Lecture, Jewish Community Center, “Nuclear Proliferation in Iran.” Dec. 27, 2005.
- Faculty advisor to Alternative Spring Break trip to Costa Rica with 8 students. Worked with Community Collaborations to assist a small grower’s Fair Trade coffee cooperative, March 6-13, 2010.
- Faculty advisor to Alternative Spring Break trip to Dominican Republic with 10 students. Worked with Orphanage Outreach to teach English to elementary school students in Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic, Feb. 28-March 7, 2009.